Palm Beach a Prime Lot in New Northern Beaches Monopoly

Board games have become a lifeline in this unusual time of lockdowns and quarantines and if you love playing Monopoly, a new Northern Beaches edition has been released and it features Palm Beach as one of the prime lots, along with Manly.

Available online and in some local stores and RSL clubs this February 2021, this limited edition Northern Beaches Monopoly board game is a celebration of a particularly beloved area in Sydney.

In 2020, Hasbro and Winning Moves Australia took suggestions on what significant Northern Beaches attractions and establishments should be immortalised in such a popular board game. After narrowing down the choices, the licensee ended up with these places:   

BrownNorth Head and Manly Dam
Light BlueBarrenjoey Lighthouse, Pilu and Church Point
PinkThe Collaroy Centre, Manly Oval and Brookvale Oval
OrangeTaste of Manly, Brookvale Show, Beach to Beach Fun Run
RedThe Strand, Manly Corso, Westfields Warringah Mall
YellowCurl Curl Beach, Narrabeen Beach, Freshwater Beach
Green Harbord Diggers, The Steyne and Dee Why RSL
Dark BlueManly and Palm Beach

As with the classic Monopoly game, the last two spots in the Dark Blue lots before reaching GO have the highest value. 

Priced at $69.95, this fun game offering hours of fun for all ages is on display and on sale at Code 5 (Brookvale), Dee Why RSL, Harbord Diggers (Freshwater), Pilu (Freshwater), The Steyne (Manly), URM (Chatswood) and Westfield Warringah Mall

Photo Credit: Facebook

Billions of people, young and old, have played Monopoly since 1935. Winning Moves also released a Sydney edition of this classic board game.